Protocol Covid - 19, to visit Machu Picchu
Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco – Ministry of Culture
Establish measures for the surveillance, prevention and control against the risk of contagion and spread of COVID-19 among the personnel of the National Archaeological Park of Machupicchu of the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco of the Ministry of Culture, tourists, tourist guides and support staff in the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
2.1. Establish operational measures to reduce the risk of contagion and spread of COVID-19 during the visit to the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
2.2. Standardize the procedures for the prevention and reduction of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the entry control and during the visit in the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
2.3. Standardize control, cleaning and disinfection procedures before, during and after the care of tourists, tourist guides and support personnel in the Llaqta of Machupicchu.

This document is mandatory for all workers and visitors, who work and are in the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu.
- Law No. 29048, General Tourism Law and its Regulations, approved by Supreme Decree 003-2010-MINCETUR.
- Law No. 29565, Law creating the Ministry of Culture.
- Law No. 28296, General Law of the Cultural Heritage of the Nation and its Regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 011-2006-ED.
- Law No. 29783, Law on Safety and Health at Work.
- Supreme Decree No. 157-2020-PCM that approves Phase 4 of the resumption of economic activities within the framework of the declaration of National Health Emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of COVID-19
- Supreme Decree No. 005-2013-MC, which approves the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Culture.
- Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA, which declares in Health Emergency at the national level for a period of ninety (90) calendar days and dictates prevention and control measures for COVID-19 and its extension issued by Supreme Decree No. 020-2020 -SA for a period of ninety (90) calendar days.
- Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM, which declares a State of National Emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and its amendments.
- Supreme Decree No. 117-2020-PCM, which approves Phase 3 of the Resumption of Economic Activities within the framework of the declaration of national health emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of COVID-19.
- Supreme Decree No. 080-2020-PCM, which approves the gradual and progressive resumption of economic activities within the framework of the declaration of National Health Emergency due to the serious circumstances that affect the life of the Nation as a result of COVID-19.
- Legislative Decree No. 1507, which provides temporary free access, for public servants, as well as for girls, boys and adolescents and the elderly, whether nationals or foreigners, to archaeological sites, museums, historical places and protected natural areas , administered by the Ministry of Culture and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State – SERNANP.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 195-2020-MINCETUR that approves the “Health Guidelines for COVID-19 for Tourist Destinations “.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 103-2020-PCM, which approves the “Guidelines for the attention to citizens and the operation of the entities of the Executive Power, during the validity of the health emergency declaration produced by Covid-19, within the framework of of Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA ”.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 190 -2020-DM / MC ” Guidelines for cleaning, disinfection and care in pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments and associated interpretive infrastructure, indicated in Annex I of Legislative Decree No. 1507″.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 055-2020-TR, which approves the document called “Guide for the Prevention of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace”.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 448-2020-MINSA, which approves the Guidelines for the surveillance, prevention and control of the health of workers at risk of exposure to COVID-19.
- Ministerial Resolution No. 773-2012 / MINSA, which approves Health Directive No. 048-minsa-dgps-v.01, “Health Directive to Promote Social Handwashing as a Healthy Practice in Peru.”
- Ministerial Resolution No. 070-2017-MC through which the ” Regulation of sustainable use and tourist visit for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machupicchu” is approved .
- Ministerial Resolution No. 216-2018-MC by which the amendment to the “Regulation of sustainable use and tourist visit for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machupicchu” is approved .
- Ministerial Resolution No. 173-2020-MC that approves the capacity for admission to the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
- General Secretariat Resolution N ° 073-2020-SG / MC, which approves the “Plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 in the Ministry of Culture.”
- Secretary General Resolution No. 069-2020-SG / MC, approving the Directive No. 0004-2020-SG-MC, “Guidelines for the Prevention of Spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) after the completion of the State of National Emergency in the Ministry of Culture “.
- Directorial Resolution No. 003-2020-INACAL / DN, approves “Guide for cleaning and disinfection of hands and surfaces”.
- Official Letter No. 092-2020-CDC / MINSA, which refers to the Procedure for the prevention and care of possible cases of COVID-19, for tourism service providers.
5.1. Abbreviations
- DDC-C: Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco.
- EPP: Protective equipment Personal
- MC: Ministry of Culture
- PANM: National Archaeological Park of Machupicchu
- RCI: Inka Road Network
5.2. Definitions
- Environment disinfection and health: These are the areas or environments where it makes the disinfection of workers and visitors.
- Entry control area (visitor’s ticket): These are the environments that will serve for the face-to-face attention of visitors and validation of their entrance tickets.
- Area designated for hazardous waste: It is the area or areas located at the entrance and / or exit of the SHM-PANM where the waste of PPE, materials and supplies used in cleaning and disinfection will be disposed .
- Social bubbles: A group of people who regularly live together in the same home or share closely because they live together. However , a bubble may form with people who are traveling together for more than 7 days and who in an informed and voluntary way decide to form a social bubble. Likewise, people who are part of one bubble cannot be part of another.
- Suspect case: According to current epidemiological alert . one
- Notebook of occurrences: It is a notebook where all activities are recorded is performed in an area and / or given space. This notebook is entered the date, time, operating unit of a service and information of the personnel assigned to a unit, which is logged occurrences that take place, indicating the hours in which they were raised.
- Disinfectant: Solution that contains properties that eliminate or minimize microorganisms.
- Disinfection: Reduction by means of chemical and / or physical methods of the number of microorganisms present on a surface or environment to a level that does not endanger the health.
- Physical or social distancing: It is a set of measures for infection control. The goal of physical or social distancing is to reduce the chances of contact between infected and uninfected people, in order to minimize the transmission of infectious diseases.
- Personal protective equipment: These are devices, materials and personal clothing that allow protection from one or more risks present during the care and disinfection activities of pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments; They consist mainly of the following elements: disposable gloves, disposable surgical cap, surgical or community masks, protective glasses and a plastic apron .
- Space for the provision of health equipment and PPE : These are the areas or environments where the asepsis of health equipment, PPE and work clothes is ensured .
- Storage space for supplies and cleaning and disinfection materials: These are the areas or environments where the safety and preservation of supplies and cleaning and disinfection materials is ensured .
- Visitor management: Set of processes and interventions that regulate the movement and behavior of visitors in the SHM-PANM.
- Risk group: Group of people with individual characteristics associated with greater vulnerability and risk of complications from COVID-19; For this, the health authority defines risk factors as health criteria to be used by health professionals to define people with a greater possibility of becoming ill and having complications from COVID-19, the same as according to the evidence that is have been constantly evaluating and updating, they are defined as: age over 65 years, comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung disease, cancer, other immunosuppression states and others established by the National Health Authority in light of future evidence.
- Associated interpretive infrastructure: It refers to the physical facilities, equipment and heritage spaces or spaces related to them that can be used specifically for the purposes of interpretation and presentation of a pre-Hispanic real estate. It may include, but is not limited to, interpretation centers, interpretive panels and trails, visitor circuits, tourist inns, ticket offices, parking lots, toilets and any space that does not have direct contact with archaeological structures within the pre-Hispanic archaeological monument.
- Cleaning: Removal of dirt and impurities from surfaces using water, soap, detergent or chemical substance .
- Pre-Hispanic Archaeological Monument : These are real estate that constitute evidence of human activity from the pre-Hispanic era. For the purposes of registration, delimitation, research, conservation, protection and management, they are classified into: Archaeological Site, Monumental Archaeological Zone, Archaeological Landscape, National Archaeological Monuments, National Archaeological Parks and World Heritage Archaeological Monuments .
- Periphery: Understand as the periphery of the pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments, the areas immediately adjacent to the polygonal delimitation of the archaeological monuments .
- Personal control of health: personnel designated to perform activities of control health visitors and staff in charge of its management.
- Visitor control personnel : personnel assigned for the reception of visitors and the registration of entrance tickets. Likewise, he will be in charge of cleaning the equipment assigned to him for his work.
- Cleaning staff : staff designated to carry out cleaning and disinfection activities in the Llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu.
- Hand washing / disinfection points: That infrastructure or furniture intended for washing or disinfecting the hands of staff and visitors.
- Rapid Test: It is an accessible test that is considered to screen and detect COVID-19 cases .
- Solid waste: It is any object, material, substance or element resulting from the consumption or use of a good or service, from which its owner discards or has the intention or obligation to dispose of, to be managed prioritizing the recovery of waste and in last case, its final disposition. They include all residue or waste in solid or semi-solid phase, as well as those that being liquid or gas are contained in containers or tanks that are going to be disposed of, and liquids or gases that due to their physicochemical characteristics cannot be entered into the systems of treatment of emissions and effluents and therefore cannot be discharged into the environment.
- Medium risk of exposure: Jobs with medium risk of exposure are those that require close and frequent contact at less than 1 meter distance with the general public; and that, due to the conditions in which it is carried out, it is not possible to use or establish physical barriers to the work.
- Signal of obligation: Is the safety signal requiring the use of personal safety equipment . The mandatory sign is blue, with a contrasting white color, and its geometric shape is circular. These signs indicate occupational safety requirements such as the use of a helmet, boots, etc. 2 .
- Prohibition sign : It is the safety sign that prohibits a behavior. The prohibition sign is red, with white contrast and black pictogram color. These signs prohibit, from the use of elevators during earthquakes, to the use of firearms.
- COVID-19 symptoms : Signs and symptoms related to the diagnosis of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, sneezing, general malaise, headache, shortness of breath (more severe cases). Some patients may have abdominal pain, anosmia (loss of the sense of smell), nasal congestion, runny nose , sore throat or diarrhea, among others.
- Supervisor: Personnel designated by the DDC-C / MC, to monitor the personnel working in said institution, in the archaeological monument, among others, through the Personnel Health Control File and the Disinfection of Spaces File in Pre-Hispanic Archaeological Monuments (provided in the Guidelines for the disinfection and care of pre-Hispanic Archaeological Monuments and associated Interpretive Infrastructure during and after the health emergency produced by COVID-19).
- Body temperature: It is the degree of temperature that a person’s body presents .
- Visitors: For the purposes of this document it refers to tourists, tourist guides and support personnel .
- Isolation area: Environment designated for the temporary stay of visitors suspected of being carriers of COVID-19, until their referral to the nearest Health Center or other provision issued by the competent authority .
5.3. Social distancing
Staff DDC-C / MC, and visitors must maintain the minimum social distancing of one point five (1.5) meters and its compliance will be monitored by staff DDC-C / MC.
During the tour, it is recommended that the minimum distance between visitors is two (02) meters and between different groups or social bubbles of at least twenty (20) meters.
At the entrance to the llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu, an obligation sign will be placed, which will indicate the mandatory use of PPE, the established social distancing and a sign prohibiting contact with the surfaces of pre-Hispanic walls.
5.4. Taking of temperature body
To take the body temperature of the DDC-C / MC staff and visitors, the following steps must be followed:
- Ensure that staff maintain social distance while waiting for temperature measurement.
- The evaluator must put on the biosafety equipment (gloves, mask, face shield or face shield ).
- Put the batteries in the equipment.
- Make sure the infrared sensor is clean.
- Turn on the equipment, check the condition of the batteries (if they are low, replace them); and wait fifteen (15) minutes, prior to use.
- Do a pre-test before starting the measurement.
- Measurements should be taken away from televisions or mobile phones to avoid the magnetic field interfering with the reading.
- The worker should be asked to clear his forehead of hair or any garment, in addition to not moving during the reading .
- The evaluator must stand in front of the worker firmly and without moving, pointing to the forehead without moving more than ten (10) cm away or approaching more than five (5) cm; and remove the equipment once the reading is done .
- Once you have completed making temperature will proceed to the removal of batteries and cleaning / disinfecting equipment before being saved.
The temperature will be taken upon entry and exit; a result greater than 37.5 ° C or other incidents must be recorded in the occurrence log.
If a result greater than 38 ° C is reported, entry will not be allowed, the suspect will be isolated, notify the competent authorities and the immediate boss.
In the case of taking the temperature of the DDC-C / MC staff, it must be recorded in accordance with the Personnel Health Control Sheet (Annex No. 04), which will be monitored by the supervisor designated by the DDC-C / MC, if a temperature equal to or greater than 38 ° is registered, the referred personnel must leave the facilities and proceed to carry out the corresponding screening, the results of which must be sent to their immediate boss.
5.5. Tourist activity
Public Sector institutions that have social tourism programs 3 and intend to organize visits to the Llaqta de Machupicchu, must obtain the corresponding authorization from the DDC-C / MC. Said entities must have the documents required by the competent sectoral authority and / or consider the necessary provisions for the development of said activity.
5.6. Admission capacity
During the validity of the Health Emergency declared by means of Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA and its extension, and the State of National Emergency, declared by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM and its amendments, as well as provisions related to COVID-19 that may be issued later, the maximum admission capacity for the Llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu will be six hundred and seventy-five (675) visitors per day distributed in seventy-five (75) visitors per hour.
For free access referred to in article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 1507, tourists must enter, through the DDC-C / MC ticket sales system, information that proves compliance with the requirements established for the free access in the aforementioned Legislative Decree.
The staff of the DDC-C / MC will verify the age of the girls, boys and adolescents 4 , and older adults 5 with the presentation of the National Identity Document, Passport or Immigration Card. In the case of public servants, the control staff will also request the presentation of the photocheck , current contract and / or last payment slip from the public institution where the tourist works.
It is recommended that the tourist visit in the Machupicchu llaqta be given through a tourist guide who must board the bus from Machupicchu Pueblo (Aguas Calientes) with the group to operate.
It is not allowed the permanence of guides in the anteroom of the entrance control to the llaqta from Machupicchu.
The maximum number of visitors per group is eight (08) corresponding, if applicable, to seven (07) tourists and one (01) tour guide .
It is recommended to implement visit models based on social bubbles, under the criteria described in RM 171-2020-MINCETUR.
5.7. Entry hours
During the validity of the Sanitary Emergency declared by Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA and its extension, and the National State of Emergency, declared by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-
PCM and its amendments, as well as provisions related to COVID-19 that may be issued later, the Machupicchu llaqta will be available for tourist visits daily from 6:00 a.m., closing at 5:00 p.m.
There are nine (9) time ranges for the entry of visitors to the Machupicchu area, the first time range being from 06:00 to 07:00 hours and the last from 14:00 to 15:00 hours. Visitors must board the bus (Machupicchu Pueblo – Llaqta) with a maximum of 30 minutes prior to the time range that appears on their respective entrance tickets to the llaqta.
5.8. Of the circuits
The circuits for the tourist visit in the Llaqta of Machupicchu are one-way. There are four (04) defined circuits:
- Alto Corto Circuit (1): Involves the ascent to the lower or upper platform (general explanation area) of the so-called House of the Guardian to continue along the Main Gate, the Granitic Chaos sector (Quarries), the Viewpoint of the Temple of the Sun, the Plaza de los Temples, the Espejos de Agua complex and the exit from Plaza del Pisonae .
- Alto Largo Circuit (2): Involves the ascent to the lower or upper platform (general explanation area) of the so-called House of the Guardian to continue along the Main Gate, the Granitic Chaos sector (Quarries), the Viewpoint of the Temple of the Sun, the Plaza of the Temples, the Intiwatana Pyramid , Llamakancha , Sacred Rock, Eastern Qolqas , Temple of the Condor and exit through the lower terrace.
- Low Short Circuit (3): It involves entering through the Qolqas sector , terraces adjacent to the Dry Moat (general explanation area), Casa del Inka , Espejos de Agua complex and exit through the Plaza del Pisonae .
- Low Long Circuit (4): It involves entering through the Qolqas sector , terraces adjacent to the Dry Moat (general explanation area), Casa del Inka , Llamakancha , Sacred Rock, Eastern Qolqas , Temple of the Condor and exit through the lower terrace .
From the reopening until further notice, the visiting hours to the Intiwatana and Temple of the Condor complexes will not govern , the Temple of the Sun complex will not be available for tourist visits.
The alternate routes of the Machupicchu llaqta (Machupicchu and Waynapicchu Mountains , Inka Bridge and Intipunku ) will not be available for the tourist visit until further notice.
Visitors arriving on Route 05 RCI must register at the checkpoint No. 08 and head straight for the exit of the llaqta of Machu Picchu.
5.9. Of the tourist explanation areas and time of permanence
The tourist explanation is only allowed in the following spaces and with the following maximum times:
- Lower Platform to the Guardian’s House (20 minutes)
- Upper Platform to the House of the Guardian (20 minutes)
- Terraces 1, 2 and 3 adjacent to the Dry Pit (20 minutes)
- Sacred Rock (5 minutes)
- Square before the 12 Vanos complex (10 minutes)
- Mirrors of Water Enclosure (5 minutes)
- Open space of the Espejos de Agua complex (5 minutes)
- Central square of the Casa del Inka complex (5 minutes)
- East Terrace of the Casa del Inka complex (5 minutes)
- Temple Square (5 minutes)
- Temple of the Condor (5 minutes)
5.10. Of food consumption
During the tourist visit the consumption of food will not be allowed in the llaqta or city inka of Machu Picchu.
5.11. Non-compliance with the biosafety protocol
In the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this document, the staff of the DDC-C / MC, within the scope of their powers, will proceed to intervene and expel the offender, in accordance with the provisions of its pertinent regulations and the “Plans for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in the Ministry of Culture and the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco”, and if applicable, it will proceed to report the facts to the relevant authorities.
5.12. Of the restriction of entry of visitors to the llaqta of Machupicchu
If during the temperature control at the entrance to the llaqta a visitor with a temperature higher than 38 ° C and / or symptoms associated with COVID-19 is detected, the suspected visitor will be prohibited from entering. Staff ANDS-DDC-C / MC will have the power to deny entry, disrupting travel and if applicable withdraw any person who fails or is refusing to comply with health measures biosecurity laid down in this document.
If any symptoms associated with COVID-19 are identified, the suspect will be isolated in the isolation area and the event will immediately be reported to the competent authority.
5.13. Cleaning and disinfection actions
Cleaning and disinfection actions will be carried out according to the “Plans for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in the Ministry of Culture and the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco “, among other pertinent documents. For this purpose, surfaces for cleaning and disinfection of floors, walls, baseboards, windows, ceilings, laundry rooms, doors, toilets, trails, signage, railings, among others, must be identified where the tourist activity is carried out and that require cleaning and Periodic disinfection, this being the case, a list of environments and surfaces that require cleaning and disinfection will be drawn up, and they must have a weekly schedule and cleaning and disinfection schedules .
Disinfection of spaces in areas where there is contact with the public should be done frequently, preferably using spray backpacks and / or sprinklers that generate pressure and controlled discharge volume, uniformly spraying a dilute hydroalcoholic solution (preferably, ethanol dissolved in 70%) or quaternary ammonium diluted to 1% by spray packs. This solution will be applied in the administrative offices and associated interpretive infrastructure.
To carry out disinfection actions in the periphery of the Machupicchu llaqta , the DDC-C / MC staff will use diluted hydroalcoholic solutions (alcohol dissolved in water), preferably 70% ethanol and 30% water, in a controlled and mechanical way . The direct application of this solution on pre-Hispanic architecture is prohibited, and it must be applied only in transit spaces, using tools that generate pressure, with controlled discharge volume (manual sprinklers), allowing the solution to be sprayed evenly at a prudent distance that do not involve direct contact with the exposed pre-Hispanic architecture .
The staff of the DDC-C / MC is prohibited from using detergents, sodium hypochlorite (bleach or chlorine) and quaternary ammonium (QAC) in movable and immovable cultural property, in natural resources (flora and fauna) and will also verify that the Visitors do not use such products.
Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces such as tables, desks, computer keyboards, door handles, among others, must be carried out.
Cleaning and disinfection of tools and equipment such as telephones, radio communication equipment, among others, must be carried out by the user of the equipment, constantly.
5.14. Solid waste disposal
In accordance with the provisions of RM 99-2020-MINAM, the disposal of solid waste, as well as PPE (masks, gloves, disposable aprons, among others) will be disposed of in properly labeled containers, operated with a pedal, and protected with biodegradable bags. in the area designated for solid waste. In the case of masks, they must be folded in half so that the drops generated from the nose and mouth are not exposed. These materials must be placed in a plastic bag, which must be tied with a double knot and, whenever possible, a solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) must be sprayed on it .
5.15. Conditions to be met by visitors
- The tour guide must ensure that all members of the group under his charge are aware of the available services, conditions and preventive health measures that they must implement during their visit to the Llaqta de Machupicchu.
- The tour guide will be responsible for leading the group in his charge from the entrance to the exit of the Machupicchu llaqta , according to the provisions issued by the DDC-C / MC or others issued by the Government in relation to COVID-19 and follow the instructions of the DDC-C / MC staff.
- The tour guide is in charge of maintaining the group under his charge, in the same number, from the beginning to the end of the tour, in addition to enforcing the established circuit and avoiding entering unauthorized areas .
- The tour guide must check that all members of the group under their care have masks and gel or liquid alcohol and check that they do not remove their PPE from the entrance and during the tour, as well as to maintain the established social distance.
- Visitors are prohibited from collecting or collecting archaeological or natural material, as well as touching the surfaces of archaeological walls .
- Visitors are prohibited from consuming food during the sightseeing in the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
- Visitors must show their entrance ticket before boarding the bus and the checkpoint entrance llaqta of Machu Picchu, along with their document of identity.
- Visitors must submit to the required controls as many times as required.
- Visitors must respect and comply with the ” Regulation of sustainable use and tourist visit for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inca City of Machupicchu” , this document and other pertinent ones, as well as the indications of the DDC-C / MC staff.
- Visitors must sign the affidavit of health in accordance with the “Contractor and Visitors Health Declaration Form” (Annex No. 03). In case they had presented the infection, they must present the document that proves the respective discharge .
- Visitors should refrain from the visit if you have symptoms COVID -19.
- Visitors must disinfect their footwear and their hands with the implements provided, at the time of their entry and whenever it is required.
5.16. Conditions to be met by DDC-C / MC
- Prior to returning to their work, the DDC-C / MC staff must comply with the specifications established in the “Plans for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in the Ministry of Culture and the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco ” Including filling in the ” COVID-19 Symptom Form for return to work – Affidavit ” (Annex No. 02).
- Staff DDC-C / MC must complete Annexes No. 05 “control sheet cleaning and disinfection of spaces in archaeological monuments prehispanic” and No. 06 “Affidavit of understanding of the guidelines for cleaning, disinfection and care monuments pre-Hispanic archaeological sites and associated interpretive infrastructure “
- All personnel working in the archaeological monument must undergo a temperature assessment before the start of their work and at the end of the day. Said evaluation must be recorded in the Personnel Health Control Sheet (Annex 04), which contains the personnel data, date, time of entry and exit, body temperature record at entry and exit. If you have a temperature equal to or greater than 38 °, you must leave the facilities and proceed to carry out the corresponding screening, the results of which must be sent to your immediate boss.
- If any symptoms are identified such as fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or nasal congestion, the staff should inform the immediate manager. The worker with any respiratory symptoms must refrain from going to work and must give notice.
- Know their roles and assume responsibilities in accordance with the guidelines established in this document.
- Avoid greeting physical contact between the same staff and visitors (to shake hands or kiss on the cheek).
- When coughing or sneezing they should do so on the flexed elbow, on the forearm or on a disposable paper, which should be removed quickly.
- Respect the mandatory social distance.
- Avoid contact with the eyes, nose or mouth if it has been in contact with surfaces that could be exposed to contamination by COVID-19.
- Wear a mask on a mandatory basis.
- The DDC-C / MC staff must have a portable radio transmitter to establish immediate direct communication in an emergency within the monument.
- They must adapt to the hand cleaning protocol established by MINSA, which must be carried out constantly before and after each activity. If it is not possible washing hands regularly, it should ensure the use of any solution disinfectant.
- Avoid contact with people who show symptoms compatible with COVID- 19.
- Avoid sharing sun creams, personal and / or work clothing, personal items, among others.
- The use of equipment and devices must be individual, and must be disinfected before, during and after use.
- Wear clean work clothes daily .
- Implement the “Plan for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control Covid-19 at the Ministry of Culture and the Decentralized Cultural Department of Cusco , ” and the Directive No. 004-2020-SG / MC, among other documents that are issued.
- The personnel in charge of cleaning and disinfecting spaces in pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments and associated interpretive infrastructure of the DDC-C / MC, must sign a sworn statement of knowledge of these Guidelines, making responsible use of the materials delivered for cleaning. and disinfection, according to Annex No. 06 of this document.
- The driver of the institutional vehicle must clean and disinfect the contact surfaces of the vehicle unit under his charge on a frequent basis, in accordance with Annex No. 01 of this document.
- The supervision carried out by the Supervisor of the DDC-C / MC must be informed weekly, sending a report with the corresponding control files, notebook of occurrences or others to the immediate superior head, in order to adopt improvements and preventive measures. , reduction and containment of the health impact in the scenario of the transmission of COVID-19.
- PANM-DDC-C / MC staff must record any emergency or incident in the Occurrence Log in a timely manner .
5.17. Conditions in the offices and entry control
- A disinfection and health environment, footbath and hand washing / disinfection point, an isolation area, a space for the disposal of equipment and PPE, a space for storage of supplies and cleaning and disinfection materials, as well as a Entrance control area, for face-to-face care, while other areas are prohibited, the latter must be disinfected every two hours at least and must have glass or acrylic sheets .
- Lines and signage will be established to maintain social distancing .
- For the control of visitors, a digital thermometer must be available to control the temperature of the visitors and the personnel assigned to the monument.
- It must have liquid or gel alcohol dispensers and a disinfection backpack (for disinfection of objects and / or surfaces).
- It must have the necessary equipment that allows digital control of tickets and sworn statements .
- You must ensure the mandatory social distance between visitors and visibly set distance markers to avoid crowds or some similar method that fulfills the same purpose.
- You must visibly publicize the recommendations developed by MINSA or the competent sector, to avoid the contagion and spread of COVID-19.
- The toilets must have soap and / or dispensers of liquid soap and paper towels, in addition the capacity and posters and / or informative hand-washing signs must be publicized in a visible way as recommended by MINSA.
- They must have a telephone contact directory of the closest Health Establishments, visibly exposed, to report any suspected COVID-19 infection .
- Have basic first aid implements, such as a kit containing healing materials (cotton, sterile gauze, bandages, hypoallergenic tape , adhesive dressings, antiseptics and disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide, disinfectant soap, alcohol, etc.), as well as having accessories (blunt-tipped scissors, tweezers and disposable gloves ).
- Fumigation, disinfection and other activities will be carried out according to the “Plans for the Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Covid-19 in the Ministry of Culture and the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco” and Directive No. 004-2020-SG / MC, among other normative documents that are issued.
Biosafety Protocol for a tourist visit to the Llaqta of Machu Picchu.
1. Host protocols (person from the DDC-C / MC) in charge of visitor management
Stage | Function | Responsable | Description | Frequency | Clothing |
Preparation of the entrance control to the Llaqta of Machupicchu |
Supervise assigned personnel |
Supervisor / Health Personnel | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly. 2. Review the PPE and clothing of the personnel in charge. 3. Assign shifts and duties for the day. 4. Assignment and verification of the operation of supplies and equipment. 5. Perform a 5 minute talk to the staff on measures of prevention, emphasizing at all times the obligation to follow them . |
At the start of each shift |
· Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Preparation of the work area |
Assigned controller of the day | 1. Wash and disinfection of hands 2. Organize your area of work and disinfection of the same. 3. Wash and disinfection of hands. 4. Disinfection of footwear 5. Reception, disinfection and verification of equipment. |
· Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. | ||
Visitor Entry Control |
Visitor disinfection |
Personnel assigned for the day / Health personnel | 1. Provide instructions on the procedure to be carried out to visitors. 2. Verify that the visitor wears a mask. 3. Taking the temperature of the visitor (increased to 38 ° C shift to the suspect visitor to the area of insulation). 4. Step by space of disinfection and health. 5. Arrange for hand washing and / or disinfectant solution. |
For every visitor who enters |
· Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Ticket review |
Staff assigned for the day | 1. Welcome and request tickets in digital format from the tour guide . 2. Scan the barcode to allow the entry 3. Check the Document of Identity visitors randomly. 4. Control the limit number of visitors per group. 5. Communicate the maximum length of stay. |
For every visitor who enters |
· Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. | |
Closure of Income Control |
Review of assigned personnel |
Supervisor / Health Personnel | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly. 2. Ask for the symptoms 3. Receive and verify the equipment |
At the end of each shift | · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Disinfection of equipment and work areas |
Staff assigned for the day | 1. Wash your hands 2. Disinfect the equipment 3. Tidy up and disinfect the work area 4. Dispose of and / or wash the masks in the designated hazardous waste area. 5. Disinfect the footwear and EPP 6. Wash your hands 7. Delivery of disinfected material and equipment . |
At the end of each shift | · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. | |
During the visit
Staff assigned for the day |
Monitoring compliance with the visitor’s conduct rules | 1. Monitor the permanent use of masks and respect the minimum distance between visitors. 2. Report the breach of the rules of conduct in accordance with the procedures established for that purpose. 3. Carry out the incident report. |
Per turn | · Mask or a combination of community mask and face shield or face shield. |
Suspicious visitor attention |
Contact a Health Center |
Personnel assigned for the day / Health personnel | 1. Carry the suspect area of isolation. 2. Take the person’s data 3. Contact the Health Center of Machu Picchu and coordinate actions to follow. | For each visitor who presents a suspicious symptom of COVID-19 | · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Preparation of the entrance control to the Llaqta of Machupicchu |
Function | Supervise assigned personnel |
Responsable | Supervisor / Health Personnel |
Description | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly. 2. Review the PPE and clothing of the personnel in charge. 3. Assign shifts and duties for the day. 4. Assignment and verification of the operation of supplies and equipment. 5. Make a 5 minute talk to the staff on measures of prevention, highlighting all times the obligation to follow them . |
Frequency | At the start of each shift |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Preparation of the entrance control to the Llaqta of Machupicchu |
Function | Preparation of the work area |
Responsable | Assigned controller of the day |
Description | 1. Washing and disinfection of hands 2. Organize your area of work and disinfection of the same. 3. Washing and disinfection of hands. 4. Disinfection of footwear Reception, disinfection and verification of equipment. |
Frequency | At the start of each shift |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Visitor Entry Control |
Function | Visitor disinfection |
Responsable | Personnel assigned for the day / Health personnel |
Description | 1. Provide instructions on the procedure to be carried out to visitors. 2. Verify that the visitor wears a mask. 3. Taking the temperature of the visitor (increased to 38 ° C shift to the suspect visitor to the area of insulation). 4. Step by space of disinfection and health. 5. Arrange for hand washing and / or disinfectant solution. |
Frequency | For every visitor who enters |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Visitor Entry Control |
Function | Ticket review |
Responsable | Staff assigned for the day |
Description | 1. Welcome and request tickets in digital format from the tour guide . 2. Scan the barcodes to allow the entry 3. Verify the Identity Document of the visitors in a random way. 4. Control the limit number of visitors per group. 5. Communicate the maximum length of stay. |
Frequency | For every visitor who enters |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Closure of Income Control |
Function | Review of assigned personnel |
Responsable | Supervisor / Health Personnel |
Description | 1. Take the temperature to the person to the assigned and proceed as appropriate 2. Ask about the symptoms 3. Receive and verify the equipment |
Frequency | At the end of each shift |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Closure of Income Control |
Function | Disinfection of equipment and work areas |
Responsable | Staff assigned for the day |
Description | 1. Wash your hands 2. Disinfect the equipment 3. Tidy up and disinfect the work area 4. Dispose and / or wash the masks in the designated hazardous waste area. 5. Disinfect the footwear and EPP 6. Wash your hands 7. Delivery of disinfected material and equipment . |
Frequency | At the end of each shift |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
Stage | During the visit |
Function | Staff assigned for the day |
Responsable | Monitoring compliance with the visitor’s conduct rules |
Description | 1. Monitor the permanent use of masks and respect the minimum distance between visitors. 2. Report the breach of the rules of conduct in accordance with the procedures established for that purpose. 3. Carry out the incident report. |
Frequency | Per turn |
Clothing | Mask or a combination of community mask and face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Suspicious visitor attention |
Function | Contact a Health Center |
Responsable | Personnel assigned for the day / Health personnel |
Description | 1. Bring the suspect to the area of isolation. 2. Take the person’s data 3. Contact the Health Center of Machu Picchu and coordinate actions to follow. |
Frequency | For each visitor who presents a suspicious symptom of COVID-19 |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
2. Protocol for visitors
Stage | Exercise | Responsable | Description | Frequency | Clothing |
Visitor disinfection |
Perform the Disinfection protocol indicated by staff of the DDC- C / MC |
Visitor | 1. Enter with a mask as mandatory. 2. Answer the questions related to your health ( if necessary). 3. Allow disinfection in the space determined for that purpose, including footwear and personal equipment . 4. Allow temperature measurement 5. Wash hands or disinfect as the case may be |
Every time you enter |
● Mask. |
Entry control | Present the ticket electronic
Present card of tour guide |
Tour guide | 1. The visitor must show their ticket to be scanned. 2. The visitor must show their Identity Document . 3. The tour guide must carry his card in a visible place . 4. The guide must dictate his DNI number and indicate the number of passengers he has in the group. |
Every time you enter |
● Mask. |
During the visit |
Tourist visit |
Visitor | 1. Move while maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters (avoid crowds). 2. Wear the masks throughout the tour. 3. Efficiently use water and cleaning supplies. 4. Comply with the rules of conduct for the visit and the provisions of the DDC-C / MC staff. |
Per turn |
● Mask. |
Visitor attention suspect |
Application of special measures that are willing |
Visitor | 1. Provide the data required by the assigned personnel . 2. Wait for medical personnel for your attention | When a visitor is detected with symptoms of COVID-19 | ● Mask or combination of community mask and face shield or face shield. |
Stage | Visitor disinfection |
Exercise | Carry out the disinfection protocol indicated by the DDC-C / MC staff |
Responsable | Visitor |
Description | 1. Entering with a mask is mandatory. 2. Answer questions related to your health ( if necessary). 3. Allow disinfection in the space determined for that purpose, including footwear and personal equipment . 4. Allow temperature measurement 5. Wash hands or disinfect as appropriate |
Frequency | Every time you enter |
Clothing | Mask. |
Stage | Entry control |
Exercise | Present the electronic ticket |
Responsable | Visitor |
Description | 1. The visitor must show their ticket to be scanned. 2. The visitor must show their Identity Document . |
Frequency | Every time you enter |
Clothing | Mask. |
Stage | Entry control |
Exercise | Present tourist guide card |
Responsable | Tour guide |
Description | 1. The tourist guide must carry his card in a visible place . 2. The guide must dictate his DNI number and indicate the number of passengers he has in the group. |
Frequency | Every time you enter |
Clothing | Mask. |
Stage | During the visit |
Exercise | Tourist visit |
Responsable | Visitor |
Description | 1. Move around keeping a minimum distance of 1.5 meters (avoid crowds). 2. Use the masks throughout the tour. 3. Efficiently use water and cleaning supplies. 4. Comply with the rules of conduct of the visit and the provisions of the DDC-C / MC staff. |
Frequency | Per turn |
Clothing | Mask. |
Stage | Suspicious visitor attention |
Exercise | Application of special measures that are arranged |
Responsable | Visitor |
Description | 1. Provide the data required by the assigned personnel . 2. Wait for medical personnel for your attention. |
Frequency | When a visitor is detected with symptoms of COVID-19 |
Clothing | Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. |
3. Protocol for Cleaning and disinfection of Hygienic Services
Stage | Exercise | Responsable | Description | Frequency | Clothing |
At the beginning of the working day. | Supervise assigned personnel . | Supervisor | 1. Take the temperature to the personnel assigned and proceed as appropriate 2. Verify the use of biosecurity implements 3. Assignment and verification of materials and supplies of cleaning. |
Daily |
· Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Cleaning procedure the SSHH |
Cleaning and disinfecting the work area |
Cleaning staff | 1. Clean the SS.HH module with water and then dry them 2. Pass c on a mop with solution disinfectant biodegradable and maintain the unused SS.HH for 4 minutes average. 3. Repeat step 1 and 2 every 60 minutes. |
Daily | |
User disinfection procedure | Disinfection for the use of SSHH |
Cleaning staff | 1. Provide hand washing and / or disinfection with alcohol, also disinfection of footwear in the footbath provided in each SSHH. 2. Arrange for hand washing after using the SSHH. |
Daily | |
Collection of sanitary waste | 1. Solid waste must be collected in a bag that must contain dry waste and up to ¾ of its capacity must be tied with a double knot, so that it is hermetically closed and making sure that they do not present any scratches or holes. 2. The bag previously disinfected should be placed in another bag and be moved to the points of storage time. 3. The PPAs in disuse previously must be folded in half and break strips, ribbons or bands (to prevent reuse), these should be handled in different bags following the treatment described in point 1. 4. After shedding gloves and mask, it is necessary that the cleaning staff do a complete hygiene of hands with soap and water, at the least 40 to 60 seconds. |
Daily, every 60 minutes | |||
SSHH shutdown |
Review of assigned personnel |
Supervisor | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly . 2. Ask about symptoms. 3. Receive and verify equipment. |
Daily | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield . · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Disinfection of equipment and work areas |
Cleaning staff | 1. Wash your hands for 40 to 60 seconds. 2. Disinfect the equipment with the disinfectant solution . 3. If applicable, dispose of the masks and gloves in the Area designated for hazardous waste (in cases where they become unused) Change of cleaning clothes (with clean clothes and shoes), placing dirty clothes in closed bags in the area designated for hazardous waste. 5. Disinfect footwear. 6. Wash your hands for 40 to 60 seconds. 4. Delivery of disinfected material and equipment. |
Daily | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield . · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | At the beginning of the working day. |
Exercise | Supervise assigned personnel. |
Responsable | Supervisor |
Description | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly. 2. Verify the use of biosecurity implements 3. Assignment and verification of cleaning materials and supplies . |
Frequency | Daily |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | Cleaning procedure the SSHH |
Exercise | Cleaning and disinfecting the work area |
Responsable | Cleaning staff |
Description | 1. Clean the SS.HH module with water and then dry them 2. Mop with the biodegradable disinfectant solution and leave the SS.HH unused for an average of 4 minutes . 3. Repeat step 1 and 2 every 60 minutes. |
Frequency | Daily |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | Method of disinfecting users |
Exercise | Disinfection for the use of SSHH |
Responsable | Cleaning staff |
Description | 1. Provide hand washing and / or disinfection with alcohol, also disinfection of footwear in the footbath provided in each SSHH. 2. Arrange for hand washing after using the SSHH. |
Frequency | Daily |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | Method of disinfecting users |
Exercise | Collection of sanitary waste |
Responsable | Cleaning staff |
Description | 1. Solid waste must be collected in a bag that must contain dry waste and up to ¾ of its capacity must be tied with a double knot, so that it is hermetically closed and making sure that they do not present any scratches or holes. 2. Previously disinfected bag should be placed in another bag and be moved to the points of storage time. 3. The PPAs in disuse previously must be folded in half and break strips, ribbons or bands (to prevent reuse), these should be handled in different bags following the treatment described in point 1. 4. After shedding gloves and mask, it is necessary that the cleaning staff do a complete hygiene of hands with soap and water, at the least 40 to 60 seconds. |
Frequency | Daily, every 60 minutes |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield. · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | SSHH shutdown |
Exercise | Review of assigned personnel |
Responsable | Supervisor |
Description | 1. Take the temperature of the assigned personnel and proceed accordingly . 2. Ask about symptoms. 3. Receive and verify equipment. |
Frequency | Daily |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield . · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
Stage | SSHH shutdown |
Exercise | Disinfection of equipment and work areas |
Responsable | Cleaning staff |
Description | 1. Wash your hands for 40 to 60 seconds. 2. Disinfect the equipment with the disinfectant solution . 3. If applicable, dispose of the masks and gloves in the area designated for hazardous waste (in cases where they become unused) 4. Change of cleaning clothes (with clean clothes and shoes), placing dirty clothes in closed bags in the area designated for hazardous waste. 5. Disinfect footwear. 6. Wash your hands for 40 to 60 seconds. 7. Delivery of disinfected material and equipment. |
Frequency | Daily |
Clothing | · Gloves · Mask or the combination of a community mask and a face shield or face shield . · Rubber boots . · Work clothes or similar. |
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